Must be talkin' about me...

>On another list there has been a discussion of ridding cataracts with
>the juice of a fresh coconut applied as an eyewash. Reported results
>were excellent and pretty much immediate.

I have no personal experience with the coconut juice remedy but Tracy,
in the group I was talking about, is treating himself currently for
cataracts with apparant success.
I suggest that you join the group so that you can question the
participants directly:

The homepage and the place to sign up for Tracy's Corner is:

This is NOT medical advise.
I am NOT a doctor.
You are ON YOUR OWN!

The post that convinced him to try it is as follows with names

>To remove cataracts use coconut milk (fresh from the coconut).  
>Straining it first would be a good idea.  Put as much as the eye will 
>hold and cover with a warm wet cloth for at least 10 minutes.  Repeat 
>the following day.
>We discovered this by accident while on a cruiseship (years ago).  A few 
>of us were on an island day trip and wanted to get off the beaten 
>tourists path so we hired a bus and driver to take us to the opposite 
>side of the island (only 10 of us on that big bus).  A man and his wife 
>were taking the cruise as a sort of last hoorah before her scheduled 
>cataract surgery we later found out.  Anyway beautiful beach, coconuts 
>laying everywhere and we got thirsty, no drinking water.  So we decide 
>to open up some coconuts to quinch our dry throats.  Found a local with 
>a big macheate and through sign language we convinced him to open 
>coconuts for us.  Anyway the woman with the cataracts got splashed in 
>one eye by the coconut juice and it burned a bit.  We were all digging 
>through everything we had for something to releave her eye "injury", 
>all we came up with was one moist washcloth.  Her husband wiped her eye 
>and placed the washcloth over it.  About 10 minutes later she announced 
>we should head back to the ship.  We did.  The next morning at 
>breakfast she said that her eye was much better and that she could see 
>very well.  We examined her eye closely and could not see any signs of 
>the cataract, which were quite obvious the day before.  She said she 
>wished she had gotten splashed in both eyes.  Then the idea dawned on 
>us to "splash" her other eye.  We did as soon as we got ashore that 
>very day, also repeated the other eye too.  This time we were prepared, 
>went to the local market grabbed a coconut, opened it, strained it 
>through a washcloth into a plastic cup.  Dribbled the juice into both 
>eyes.  Placed a warm washcloth over both eyes.  Waited 10 minutes and 
>the rest is history.  She went to her MD upon returning stateside - no 
>cataracts and no surgery.  Give it a try the next time you have an 

On Tue, 05 Apr 2005 17:32:49 -0400, Leonardo van Goens
<> wrote:

>Greeting you, Company of Colloidal Silver!
>I have a few questions here:
>* Can any one tell me who came up with the coconut water treatment for 
>* Who knows where I can find more information about it?
>* Are there any recorded healings by this method?
>* Does any of you have experience with this treatment?
>Thank you,
>Love you all,

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