Thank you for your reply, but how do I contact you off list?? I need to know 
how to blend the oils and than what do you do with it???Eat it or put in the eye

-------------- Original message from Christine Carleton 
<>: -------------- 


I'm nearsighted and astigmatic, and have been all my life. In addition, polio 
skewed my vision so the topography of the eyeball reaches it's pitch at 4 & 8 
o'clock respectively which meant no one could grind lenses for me.  The pesky 
black spots were increasing, double vision was common, and triple when stressed 
- things were not clear unless working at 18pt.

When someone suggested oil I thought they were nuts - but there were no other 
untravelled avenues so... with great scepticism thought I'd try it.  I blended 
the oils of Frankincense and Sensation in a recipe and applied daily.  
Initially it was a struggle - I had to get over my resistant attitude towards 
MLM's - a personal block for me - (today I suspect my closed mindedness 
reflected in my vision).  I'm glad I got over it, because I passed my driving 
test without visual aids.  Works for me.

I used an internationally recognized French medical standard EC-AFNOR oils.  
After all, it was literally my sight, and I didn't need to put my eyes at 
further risk. That was about 6 years ago.  Now, if my vision acts up and gets 
blurry (about once a year) - I use my recipe and in 1-2-3 days my eyes have 
cleared up.  It's saved me a bundle with ophthalmologist fees and fashionable 
glasses.  This is OT.  For further info, please contact me off line.  

Life is humourous - my 3 younger sibblings have worn glasses for 10-15 years 
and think I'm nuts --- it doesn't compute in their medical culture --- but I 
don't need corrective lenses --- perhaps I'm not as crazy or blind as they 
think!  Does the Universal laugh?  I think so. 


Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2005 04:50:56 +0000
Subject: Re: CS>RE: cataracts

Have not heard from  you but I am very interested. 

Thank you 


-------------- Original message from Christine Carleton 
<>: -------------- 
> I've used essential oils to assist with a number of vision challenges 
> including double & triple vision, black spots in front of the eyeballs, etc. 
> Cataracts appear to respond also. Contact me off line if you want to know 
> more. My ophthalmologist could not grind corrective lenses because as Post 
> Polio individual, distortion in my eye muscles left the pitch - at 4:00 and 
> 8:00 o'clock respectively. I was working at 18pt, with double and triple 
> vision. Also had those pesky, nasty black spots in front of my eyeballs. 
> Now I work at 10-11 pt in single vision with no correction & no black spots. 
> I limit my dairy to cream in coffee and partake in cheeses. CC 