In a message dated 4/23/2005 11:15:22 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Hi, Callie,
> No, with an FBS of 86 I don`t think i have diabetes. My late mom had it 
> and my oldest sister  has it bad enough to need 4 shots a day. (My 
> sister took Mom to the Senior Center one day for the monthly health 
> check, and they did her blood sugar as well. It was so high they 
> freaked! 450 or something.)
> How much Vanadium do you get a day??
> Marshalee

ok, well a friend of mine who is diabetic always has a fasting bs around 
70-75 because she's on a large dose of glucophage, I just couldn't quite tell 
you meant you had diabetes and it was under control or what.  I take the liquid 
ionic form of minerals which is in PPM measurement .... I take a 
multi-mineral formula that has  100 ppm Vanadium in it, plus I take a separate 
teaspoon of 
100 ppm Vanadium 3 times a day before meals.  