I for one would love read more about your interview with Rosemary Jacobs.
And why wouldn't anyone buy it?


   Re: CS>Silver saved Rosemary?

   * From: William Missett (view other messages by this author
   * Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 10:16:25

Early on, about the same time I joined this list as an inquiring journalist,
I interviewed Rosemary for my planned magazine piece (never produced because
no one would buy it).

I put the question to her in several different ways as to whether she was

benefitting in any way from her opposition to CS, and she swore up and down
to several different questions, that she was not and had not been paid by
anyone to prompt her crusade.  She said the only funds she ever took from
anyone was one time she had her expenses to a "new age" fair paid for, so
she could go and show everybody what happens when you consume CS.  (She
would not address the issue of validating her attack on CS when she doesn't
even know what form of silver she consumed).

Unless she was flat out lying to me, she isn't a paid shill for the
pharmacartels, just one very misguided, bitter victim of argyria, who
blindly blames CS for her problem.