No need for off list.
Being wrong and getting corrected is useful.
Perusing the research 'edu' sites [and avoiding product sales sites] has lead me to believe that copper is required in microgram amounts in the body.
That may be micrograms per CC or pound...unclear.
They also indicate that the body very closely regulates copper intake through specific proteins [Our metallo protein transporters?] and that copper is by no means rare in the environment or foods, therefore, supplementation is most likely pointless in most cases if the regulation mechanisms are working right and possibly detrimental if they aren't.

I'm NOT saying that CC "IS" dangerous, but that , in rare cases.. it 'can' be dangerous with many different effects such as hair loss, mental confusion, mood changes, nerve disorders and a host of other 'possible' problems. [Possible does not equal likely] can zinc and iron etc.

What I AM saying is a bit careful, pay attention and look into it.

Any other info is, of course, welcomed.

So far as skin care products are concerned, the net appears to be swamped with 'product sellers', that's a maybe/maybenot, or a 'to-some-degree-under-some-conditions'. sure "sounds" good and makes sense, but sense is quite often an artifact of a sales pitch. [as are, sometimes, results]

Well there is in an nutshell. I simply don't trust ANY salesman ..or tell me the whole story.
Either and both sides of a fence begs the question, why de fense?

Methinks maybe that most "pills" are for the brain, not the body. [and the brain does the job, not the pill]
Ode [Ken]

..just off the top of the google...
The safe daily intake of dietary copper is 2 to 3 mg/day, while the actual requirement is only 0.8 mg/day.

At 04:25 PM 4/27/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>I have been following some of your comments on the silver list.
>You are making statements regarding the use of copper colloids that
>indicates to me that you don't have a full understanding of the use of
>colloidal copper.
## I tried to make that obvious.
>Copper toxicity starts at around 3 mg per day. Many folks take chelated
>copper supplements that are 2 mg a day.
## Sure, but do they 'need' those supplements?
>Taking a colloidal copper supplement that is 10 ppm (10 ug/mL) would require
>taking 200 mL to get a dosage of 2 mg of copper. Copper toxicity is not a
>lethal condition, it makes you feel sick (nauseous) for a few hours.
## That's proabably a good arguement for buying CC from someone who has the means to tell how strong it is. I have no way at all of determining that, to ANY degree of accuracy, when "I" make it. Whatever a meters semidoubtful usefulness with silver, it's ABSOLUTELY useless with copper.
"You" have that many others do? [Most likely very few]
>Use of colloidal copper on the skin is common among thousands of our
>customers who rave about the results.
## People do that, don't they?...warrented or not.
Not that raves aren't useful or "true", but they ain't always gospel or complete either.
A forum does limit external editing somewhat. Kudos.
>See what some report here:
>There are many reasons to take colloidal copper as a dietary supplement,
>especially in conjunction with using zinc.
## As well as plenty of reasons for a balanced and varied diet that makes supplementation unnecessary.
>Do you know what is happening to your colloidal copper over a few days after
>you make it? Do you want to know?
## I think it's oxidizing. Leaves greenish/grey deposits on the bottom. Lots of weird black spiderweb whispies when I make it too. What's that? [Ode/Ken]
>Frank Key
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