If you want to read something funny about scammers, go to:  
www.bustedupcowgirl.com  . One woman's story about how she dealt with them when 
they claimed to want to buy her horses.

Terry Chamberlin <tcj...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
Last year, I received an email informing me that
such-and-such a business in Europe wanted to do
business in Canada, and needed a rep here. They would
send me money to pay their clients with, and I would
keep a percentage as my commission. (They didn't at
this time have any bank accounts here.)

I played along, expecting them to ask me for some
money of some kind, or my account number, etc.

One day UPS showed up at my door and handed me an
envelope containing a check, made out to me, for

My commission was to be $6,000. All I had to do was to
deposit it into my account and write a check to a
certain person (the client) for $6,000 less.

I have a background in tax consulting, and I knew that
a deposit of that size would not go unnoticed. I
looked up the company that had written the check on
the internet, and found it to be a very large, billion
dollar a year company with offices in Canada and the
US. I had been informed by the people who first
contacted me that a Mr. John Hansen (not actual name)
had sent me the check. When I called this company (800
number in Cleveland), I was told that, yes, Mr. John
Hansen did work for them. I was transferred to him,
but he didn't know who I was nor had he written any
$34,000 checks.

I was later contacted by a security agent for this
company, who informed me that 8 checks had been stolen
from this company. They had been altered (very
professionally) to be made out for much larger sums
than originally, plus made out to me (this one,

The agent told me how these checks had been
reappearing in the hands of other people. One lady had
been told she had won a contest, had deposited the
check, sent a smaller sum to the scammers (for
"adjustment fees") and spent $5,000 of it, before it
bounced. Now she owes the bank $5,000.

The agent also told me there was nothing to be done
about it. The local police had no authority over a
crime originating somewhere else, and no one wanted to
spend the money to pursue the scammers all over the
continent, indeed, the Europian continent.

Had I deposited the check, I would have owed income
tax on the whole amount, not just the amount I kept.
(How would I have proven it wasn't all mine?)

Don't be suckered by these scams. If it sounds to good
to be true....

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