the basic deal is the silver-puppy works great. do the silver on an empty stomach.
twice a day around two ounces is my recommendation.
numbers of rife machines are proven performers for lyme.
some of the ones i know are the "doug" coil, the "b3 with amp", and the emem3d. i have used the emem3d with success. i am not cured, but i hear it may take years.
many lymies buy multiple machines in their quest.
these things work!. i promise it.
so does colloidal silver.

On Wednesday, May 4, 2005, at 04:05 PM, fl...@aol.com wrote:

Hello Group,
I am trying to rid myself of borrelia burgdorferi and would appreciate any input on how to accomplish it. Long term antibiotics seemed to have had little or no effect. This has really taken a toll on me and in turn on my family as well. I have a Silverpuppy generator. Any advice is welcome.