As for numbness from electrical shock you might want to see a homeopath for
some Phosphorus homeopathic remedy as it is used when people are hit with
lightning and that is a much bigger shock.  


From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: CS & bladder infection

How it happened with the Rife device . . . .
I had a bladder infection maybe ten years ago I couldn't get rid of.  I had
just gotten an AstroPulse Rife machine.  I tried the suggested frequencies
and holding the electedrodes as suggested for this problem.  It didn't work.
I thought maybe I needed to do the frequencies more often for a longer
period of time.  This machine can be set to do a series of frequencies.  The
instructions say to set it so the vibration is as strong as you can stand.
So I set the volume on the first frequency, thinking I would watch the
machine, and when the next frequency came in I would adjust it, as some
frequencies could hardly be felt, and some were much stronger.  I was
watching a horror movie during this procedure, and forgot to check the
machine for the next frequency coming on.  All of a sudden a new frequency
came on that was so strong that I couldn't let go of the electrodes. My
hands were frozen.  I stood up in fright, and my husband, trained at
Cal-Tech in electrical engineering, took the electrodes out of my hands.  It
really scared the bajeevers out of him, because he recognized the symptoms
of a possible electrocution, and forbade me to ever use the machine again.
He said since I didn't understand electricity, I shouldn't be handling
something that could be lethal.  He told me a story about a boyhood friend
who was electricuted using some kind of gardening device that plugged into
electrical socket.  He apparently stepped into water as he was using it and
was killed.  After that I noticed my hands and feet were more numb than
before--and this has continued.
By the way, AstroPulse was supposed to come out with a machine which
radionically pinpointed the specific frequency for a given problem, rather
than just treating a list of possible frequencies.  (Rife, of course, didn't
have this problem because he could view the results of frequencies on live
microbes, including viruses, with his microscope.)  Does anybody know if
this was ever accomplished--by any company?  I know there is a machine out
(too lazy to look up the name, but if anyone is interested I could find it)
that costs 18 thousand dollars, and analyzes 20,000 different parameters,
then suggests a hierarchy of corrections, and then makes the corrections
radionically.  Ankle and head electrodes are connected to the machine, which
is connected to a computer.  It sounds so wonderful, but when I asked the
operator what success she had had in healing, she gave me examples which
suggested to me it was not very effective for intervention.  Analysis,
though, is a different story.  I was initially interested in this machine
because I have had an SE-5 radionics machine for many years, but have never
been able to use it because I can't feel the "stick" on the galvanic skin
resistance plate.  I had an expert program the device for me (since I
couldn't use it myself) to help my mother who had been diagnosed with
cancer.  I started running the program continuously.  My mother seemed to
improve dramatically, even miraculously, and then suddenly went downhill.  I
discovered much later that the program had stopped running!  Apparently I
had put it too close to a computer.  So, I, of course, wondered if the new
$18,000 radionics machine would help me overcome my limitations because so
much was built into the program.  The operator who gave me a session on this
machine said that the machine could not do anything harmful, which I was
leary of since I know of radionics machines being programed to do harm.
Anyway, she hit some frequency that made me feel like I had downed a whole
pot of coffee.  THEN the machine said it was time to stop--a little late.  I
battled the resultant high blood pressure for around 3 months after that
until I got it back to baseline.  I decided not to pursue the machine any
further, since I couldn't answer basic questions of safety and efficacy, and
suspected no one else could (or would) either.  Just because the body is
missing in a certain nutrient, doesn't always mean the best thing is to add
that nutrient;maybe that deficiency is in balance with other deficiencies.
Maybe the body knows better how to balance itself as a whole without our
interference.  Besides, I certainly have seen remarkable positive changes in
serious medical conditions through various other methods, and after those,
"lukewarm" improvement doesn't interest me.
Has anybody had any actual success using the Rife machine?  Can you give
specifics?  It sounds so good on the sales pamphlet, but then there was
little to no result.  It did seem there was something happening when I used
frequencies suggested for Candida, however, but I couldn't tell how much
good it did, or whether the effect lasted--no way to measure it, I guess.
Someone on the Silver List suggested a device modeled after Bob Beck's
"zapper".  It was only $60, so I ordered it.  I'll have more questions about
this once I get it.  
P.S.  I also have a device that was supposed to be one that Edgar Cayce had
recommended in his readings (not the violet ray device).  I was cumbersome
to use.  I tried it once, with no result, then just put in in the closet.
You had to fill a bucket with ice, and put something in the bucket, and
attach some type of electrodes.  Does anyone know about the use of this
I also got Bob Becks original zapper, and the other device that electrocutes
pathogens in the lymph nodes.  I forgot the name for this.  I asked a friend
follow directions for making this.  I tried it once, but didn't know what I
was doing, and gave up.  
Maybe one day I'll find something that really works.  As Thomas Edison said,
"I now know 300 ways to generate electricity that do not work!  Thank
goodness he didn't give up.