LOL, I am just unlucky enough to be on the "wrong" side of everything that is supposed to work for everyone. It can be very difficult to find my way. One major similarity between virtually all alternative/natural health/medicine and conventional medicine is that if you don't fit the mold, if their one size fits all does not fit you, they are done with you, and you are on your own. It does make me a bit contrary, and a little more inclined to independent questioning, so there is a good side. Once one starts really digging more deeply, it can be found that for any given diet or treatment of any kind, almost none work for more than about half the people who try it. CS being the only one I actually know of so far. It may not work for everyone, but I think it's success rate is much higher than 50%.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Yep, to a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


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