Also - preservatives in processed foods such as salami, sandwich meats, etc., might be a cause of her behavior. I know a family with a child who is autistic, have had wonderful success in 'reversing' (can't think of the appropriate word right now) his autism symptomology just by NOT feeding foods with preservatives (and sugar) in them. Even to the point where they DO NOT use leftovers due to mold growth... Stuart still has some problems; BUT they are significantly better than when he was eating all that crap-laden food.


 Saskatoon, SK  Canada

----- Original Message ----- From: "Faith Saint Francis" <>
 >I have been following this thread without getting involved.
 > Yet .. have you considered that the girl might be sensitive to sugars?
 > We have had such a case many years ago.
> After we found out, and cut down on sugars, a drastic change was the result,
 > he is a fine young man now.

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