I don't know about that, there are diseases transmitted by urine (in
animals at least) that do not cause urinary tract infections.
Personally, I find it impossible to believe that urine is sterile.
UT is something that I have links to info on, and have read many
discussions of, but it is so far on the back burner for me, that it is
practically in another galaxy far, far away.
As long as I have EIS, DMSO, and other alternatives, UT is staying in
that other galaxy.
just call me squeamish,
but solid or liquid, excreta is excreta, and bodies get rid of excreta
for a reason, and I personally don't want mine back.
M. G. Devour wrote:
If urine is sterile, why does it smell bad?? I`d really like to know. I
still think mine is going down the toilet... Marshalee
Unless you have an active urinary tract infection, then, yes, it is
sterile. I'm sure the smell comes from the many other constituents of
the fluid.
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