In a message dated 16/06/2005 16:08:16 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

all the conditions were indentical in both experiments.
no distilled water was used.
only differencewas the fan speed.

no contamination occurred from the plastic tube....

i urge you to repeat the experiment.
<< Subj:     Re: CS>
 Date:  16/06/2005 16:08:16 GMT Daylight Time
 Reply-to:  <A HREF="";></A>
 Hi.   In the post about making the CS using the mini fan stirrer:
 >>"i noted when i made cs using  low speed stirring a cloudy solution
 after 10 minute.
 when i made cs using high speed stirring i could not observe the the
 cloudiness or any tyndell effect at all even after 45 minutes!!!"<<
 I did not see anywhere in the text where the person used distilled water.
 I would think it would make a difference in the outcome is you used regular
 water or distilled water, right?   Stirring or not.  Regular water would
 make a cloudy cs solution within the 10 minutes.   Distilled water brewing
 would take much longer than 10 minutes for any change.   I've only made
 cloudy CS using regular water.  Never with distilled unless I let it run
 away overnight.   Then had mud.
 >>"i used a minifan with the fan removed and replaced by a q tip tube or a
 pen ink tube (empty) with a diameter of about 2 mm with the motor spindle
 inserted in it."<<
 Also, even if the person used distilled water,  could there have been
 contamination of the water by the fan stirring rod?
 Just an observation.
 Christine Mc.
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