> I have had bad cyctitis for the past 6 days and my kidneys are
> startying to hurt..i refuse to go to the doctor for antibiotics...
> obviously!!! How much CS should i take and how often..please HELP!!!! 


Dosing is not a science. The key word is "enough."

If you've used CS before, then you already know that you're not 
allergic to it, therefore you don't have to start with the few drops on 
the tongue that I suggest to new users, "just in case."

Beyond that, it would be good if we knew what kind of CS you've got. If 
store-bought, which brand and what supposed strenght? If home made, 
what kind of generator and how brewed.

The usual advice is to start small and ramp up the dose until you have 
the effect you want. This is measured by either the symptoms improving 
or by the symptoms worsening (temporarily) in a Herxheimer reaction. 

In general, flu-like symptoms and a general yucky feeling mark the 
Herxheimer reaction. In severe cases Herx reactions can be life 
threatening, particularly in people who are already weakened. If there 
is a bad infection that is destroyed very rapidly by the treatment it 
can overwhelm the body, leading to a shock reaction that could require 
emergency treatment.

Thus the caution to start small and ramp up until some effect is noted, 
then hold at that level until effects subside. When that happens, ramp 
up the dose further until effects resume, but remain manageable, and so 
on. Keep at it a few days longer if all seems to be well, just to be 

So what sort of dose might you want to work up to?

First, I will *assume* an "average" CS brew of some 5 to 20 ppm in 
plain distilled water made with a simple generator.

For a very aggressive treatment, some of our members have reported good 
results taking a good mouthful (very precise measurement unit there!), 
swished around in your mouth for at least a couple of minutes before 
swallowing, taken every waking half hour to an hour.

To start slowly, just to be cautious of any severe Herx, I would 
probably wait a couple of hours between "swallows" at first.

One other thing is to consider adding Gatorade to the protocol. If you 
search the archives on that subject, you'll see that it is used to 
*drastically* increase the rate at which the CS enters the bloodstream.

Lastly, I want to say that, if push comes to shove, going to the doctor 
for antibiotics is not out of the question. I doubt it will be needed, 
but if your self-treatment is not effective within a reasonable time, 
the conventional alternative will serve as a safety net. Not without 
side effects, true, but safer than no treatment.

You must judge the risks and only you are responsible for the 
consequences of your health-care decisions. Don't take my suggestions 
as a substitute for your own judgement or that of your professional 

Let us know how you do, please?

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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