In a message dated 26/06/2005 20:01:13 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

<< Subj:     Re: CS>Re: Help for Hepatitis C
 Date:  26/06/2005 20:01:13 GMT Daylight Time
 Reply-to:  <A HREF="";></A>
 Yahoo groups (hcvsucks) is a good place to check into. I post there, and
 the group favors natural therapies over chemical, but can discuss both. 
  We're all fans of Dr Zhangs herbs.
  I have started to make 40-50 ppm CS with a sota pulser and adding 4-
 drops of h202 food grade to 16 oz 2-3 x aday, and3 weeks in, I see some
  Also loading up on vit c 10-20,000 mg a day. 
  I'm doing my best to come up with a protocol that "you can live with"
 and inexpensively, as well.
Summary Report of the First African Human Trials of
American Biotech Labs’ Silver BioticsTM
The Hospitals
The first series of 58 trials was accomplished at three (3) hospitals in 
Ghana, West Africa. The three hospitals were: the Air Force Station Hospital 
the direction of Dr. Kwabiah, The Kone-Bu Teaching Hospital under the 
direction of Dr. Sackey, and the Justab Clinic/Maternity under the direction of 
Diversity Of Use
Silver Biotics~ was tried on a wide diversity of human problems, including 
malaria, upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, 
infections, vaginal yeast infections, eye, nose and ear infections, cuts and 
fungal skin infections and even for sexually transmitted diseases like 
gonorrhea etc. Silver BioticsTM was used as both an internal and external 
The Product
All treatments were performed using the American Biotech Labs’ Silver 
BioticsTM at a strength of 10 parts per million. 
Summary Data
The data will summarize the type of human ailment the product was used to 
treat, the average time it took to see signs of recovery, average time under 
treatment to obtain full recovery (as deemed by the doctors), and the average 
dosage used during the time of treatment. 
The Results
Abdominal Pain & Diarrhea: One patient was diagnosed with this condition. The 
patient received 10 ml. (two teaspoons) of Silver Biotics~ three times in one 
day. The patient was reported fully recovered in 1 day. 

Bronchitis: Two patients were diagnosed with this condition. The patients 
were given 5 ml (one teaspoon) of Silver Biotics~ twice daily. Both patients 
showed signs of recovery within 1-2 days and both were reported fully recovered 
within 3 days. 

Candida Vaginal Yeast Infection: Five patients were diagnosed with this 
condition. The patients received 10 ml (two teaspoons) of Silver Biotics~ twice 
daily as a vaginal douche. The patients showed signs of recovery in an average 
3 days and were reported fully recovered in an average of 5.6 days. 

Conjunctivitis (Eve Infection): Two patients were diagnosed with this 
condition. The patients received several drops of Silver Biotics~ in the 
eye, twice daily. Both patients were reported fully recovered within 1 day. 

External Cuts & Infection: Six patients were diagnosed with this condition. 
The conditions included: Staph skin infections, septic ulcers, and infected 
abscesses. The patients received 5 ml of Silver Biotics~ twice daily. The 
patients showed signs of recovery within an average of 2.16 days and were 
fully recovered within an average of 3 days. 

External Otitis (Ear Infection): Six patients were diagnosed with this 
condition. The patients received two drops of Silver Bioticsm in the infected 
three times daily. The patients showed signs of recovery within an average of 
1.66 days and were reported fully recovered within an average of 3.5 days. 

Otitis Media (Middle Ear Infection): One patient was diagnosed with this 
condition. The patient received 2 drops of Silver Biotics~ in the infected ear, 
three times daily. The patient showed signs of recovery in 2 days and was 
reported fully recovered in 4 days. Fungal Skin Infection: Two patients were 
diagnosed with fungal skin infections. The patients received 10 ml of Silver 
three times daily. The patients showed signs of recovery in an average of 4.5 
days and were reported fully recovered in 8 days. 

Gonorrhea: Two patients were diagnosed as having gonorrhea. The patients 
received lOml (two teaspoons) of Silver Bioticsm two times daily. The patients 
showed signs of recovery in an average of 3.5 days and were reported fully 
recovered in an average of 6 days. 

Malaria: Eleven patients were diagnosed as having malaria. The patients 
received 10 ml (two teaspoons) of Silver Bioticsm three times daily. The 
showed signs of recovery in an average of 2.4 days and were reported fully 
recovered in an average of 5 days. 

Mouth Problems: Two patients were diagnosed as having mouth problems. One 
case was gingivitis and the other was halitosis. Botti patients were given 
BioticSm as a mouth wash. The case of gingivitis was reported recovered in 3 
days. The case of halitosis was reported recovered in I day. 

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: One patient was diagnosed with this disease. The 
patient received 5 ml of Silver Bioticslu (one teaspoon) two times daily as a 
vaginal douche. The patient showed signs of recovery in 2 days and was 
reported fully recovered in 5 days. 

Pharvnaitis (Sore Throat): Four patients were diagnosed with phaiyngitis. The 
patients received 10 ml (two teaspoons) of Silver Bioticsm, three times daily 
as a gargle. The patients showed signs of recovery in an average of 3.75 days 
and were reported fully recovered in an average of 5.25 days. 

Retro Viral Infection. HIV: One patient was diagnosed with a retro viral 
infection. The patient received 5 ml (one teaspoon) of Silver Bioticsm two 
daily. The patient showed signs of recovery in 4 days and was reported fully 
recovered 5 days. 

Sinusitis/ Rhinitis (Nasal Infections): Six patients were reported with sinus 
problems. Four patients were reported with sinusitis and two patients were 
reported with rhinitis. The patients received two drops of Silver Bioticsm in 
their nasal passages, three times daily. The patients showed signs of recovery 
in an average of 1.6 days and were reported fully recovered in an average of 
3.2 days. 

Tonsilitis: One patient was diagnosed with tonsilitis. The patient received 
10 ml of Silver Biotics TIA three times daily as a gargle. The patient showed 
signs of recovery in 2 days and was reported fully recovered in 7 days. 

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection: Two patients were diagnosed with upper 
respiratory tract infections. The patients received 5 ml of Silver Bioticsm 
teaspoon) three times daily. The patients showed signs of recovery in an 
average of 3 days and were reported fully recovered in 6 days. 

Urinary Tract Infections: Three patients were diagnosed with Urinary Tract 
Infections. The patients received 10 ml of Silver Bioticsm (two teaspoons) two 
to three times daily. The patients showed signs of recovery in an average of 
3.33 days and were reported fully recovered within an average of 5.6 days.

The human studies summarized herein were completed in Ghana, West Africa. 
This report summarizes 50% of the 120 patients who participated in the study. 
Some patients were suffering from more than one ailment or problem at the time 
treatment. These patients were treated for one or two of 18 different human 
ailments or problems. In almost every case, the doctors using Silver Biotics~ 
in l0ppm as an antibiotic alternative reported that their patients achieved 
full recovery within just seven days or less of treatment. At this time, the 
testing is ongoing. 


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