I thought the stuff on the electrodes was silver oxide, from the oxygen relased by the electrolysis.
It isn`t??

Pavel Hochmut wrote:

Hi all of you,
I want to open the question of the electrode pollution during the electrolytic 
I find that this phenomenon can be result of the DW impurity contents. I use to make CS in sequence of five to twelve batches en bloc, using very, very pure DW, with conductance about 0.01 microsiemens (!!!!). I always have to clean the electrodes at the end of every batch (47 minutes). BUT: later - as the batches are followed one by one and as the apparatus cleans up from impurities (what other condition can cause smaller and smaller electrode pollution during almost continual electrolytic process?), the electrode pollution appears later and later and very, very much slighter.
After some four or five batches electrodes remain almost unchanged in color 
after every more batch.
   Since I realized this relation, I get rinse all the apparatus inside by DW 
prior starting the first batch. Since then I obtain very good results, the 
electrode pollution of the first batches seems to be really greatly affected by 
this act.

And once I made some measurement of the input and output DW conductance, understand: without electrolysis, just measuring the conductance value in front of the apparatus ...and then taking the outlet DW conductance value. This measurement was made after some longer pause when the apparatus was left out of work for several weeks, but tightly closed (!!!!). First of all, what a surprise, when I measured some 2,4 microsiemens in the outgoing DW. This value fall back to 0,01microsiemens after a fairly period - when content of the apparatus changed completely several times.

This phenomenon maybe also caused by silver electrode impurities.
As I use 99.99 silver as standard, I did not examine the possible influence of 
silver impurities to their pollution, beyond it is absolutely impossible to get 
true 99.999 silver. Maybe some reliable results can be obtained to compare 
99.99 silver with some impure, e.g. sovereign silver electrodes.
Do you others have the same or different findings or remarks ????
Pavel Hochmut    ;-)

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