Hi.   I have had much success using my old fashioned 'godzilla' machine I
made (one of the original designs from the microelectricitygermkiller
folks) using pure silver wire for the electrodes instead of stainless steel
cotter pins.   Since you can buy the silver wire in 3 foot lengths on Ebay,
there is extra for making the electrodes.  I have cured a few toothaches
and swollen glands by putting one electrode on one side of the tooth and
the other electrode on the other side.  For the swollen gland I put one
electrode on the gland and the other on my tongue or back of my neck.  I
used either EIS/CS straight as the wetting solution or EIS/CS mixed with
the DMSO as the wetting solution.

It takes a little longer for the remedy to work than using antibiotics, but
the results are great and very handy.  And much less expensive in the long
run.  And better for your body.

I also have used this on my birds for infected feet and hocks, etc.  I
posted about it here.  The only thing I noticed that had to be watched out
for was when using only EIS/CS on a deep wound is that the EIS/CS will tend
to heal the outside of the wound faster than the inner part, which can lead
to a 'hidden' infection.  I would definitely add the DMSO next time.  But
since I use the 'godzilla' machine as part of the treatment now, I haven't
had this problem again.

Another thing, in reference to the hep c post,  I believe a higher viral
count is a good thing.  I believe a viral count mean ALL virus both alive
and dead.  A rise in the count could very well be a rise in dead virus, or
parts of dead virus.   This was posted about a while back, maybe here,
maybe on the germkiller list, I forget.
I tested positive for hep c (called non-a, non-b back in the mid 1980s)
many times and have never had a symptom from it.  I also drink the EIS and
use the godzilla machine, there at one time ALOT, because it was mentioned
to help kill the virus.    Maybe it did.   I think a retest is in order, ya

Just wanted to share on these two things.  IMHO of course.

Christine Mc.

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