Hope you boys and girls like this one...  I love a bit of Universal
Humour... Many of us were lead down the garden path when we did anatomy...

Source: The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. page 66
Quote:  "In the nucleus and its genes are not the cell's brain what exactly
is DNA's contribution to cellular life? Enucleated cells die, not because
they have lost their brain but because the have lost their reproductive
capabilities. Without the ability to reproduce their parts, enucleated cells
cannot replace failed protein building blocks, not replicate themselves.  So
the nucleus is not the brain of the cell - the nucleus is the cell's gonad!
Confusing the gonad with the brain is an understandable error because
science has always been and still is a patriarchal endeavour.  Males have
often been accused of thinking with their gonads, so it's not entirely
surprising that science has inadvertently confused the nucleus with the
cell's brain!'"


Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association

'I honour in you the divine that I honour within myself,
and I know that we are one."  ---Deepak Chopra

> From: cmccau...@kayescholer.com
> Subject: CS>bacteria cell membrane and respiration
> Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Resent-Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 06:29:23 -0700
>.... "Where is cell¹s brain?  The answer is to be found in bacteria,
> the most primitive organisms on Earth.  ....

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