
A couple of suggestions re water.  Explore and consider the benefits of
intention.   Dr. Marasu Emoto's site  http://www.hado.net/ many assist.  Put
your 'message' on your water.  It will help.

>From my perspective:
1. By principal I do not engage energies beyond the wisdom of the divine
being.  Angel water comes from beyond my scope of verifiable knowledge. As
an energy medicine practitioner, I have experience that some of them are
also sick, and/or have facades which one would not engage if they looked
2. Magnets are a metal that resonate to a specific frequency.  If one's
health is compromised, magnets support increasing the internal frequency..
If one's health and vitality are high, magnets compromise and drain one's
energy.. Magnets are effectively a static tool that can be a helpful tool
subject specific personal frequency.
3. Essential oils (GRAS quality - generally recognised by FDA as safe for
internal consumption - food quality and consumable) are alive, address
frequency, and may assist with parasites, viruses, bacteria in water, and
have a variety of frequencies.  Our biorhythm changes by the hour subject to
the time and organ which is predominate on the 24 hour clock so oils have
the ability to address these natural cyclical changes.
4. CS water has historical benefits - personal research is important to
verify benefits.
5.  Neuro muscular feedback is an effective tool to ascertain which is
optimal - it will change as one develops.
6.  Some systems have literally cleaned polluted environmental problems in
Europe - eg Grandre water.
7. Some organs and endocrines are compromised with utilization of water, and
need to be individually addressed with the priority and direction by the
body to optimize the efficiency.
8.  Some people have too much water in their body systems and only require a
1 - 1.5 liters per day subject to their body constitution on the Traditional
Chinese system (water, earth, wood, fire and metal) dealing with Yin and
Yang balance to optimize their meridian and chakra functioning.

I find the Emoto system powerful, simple and effective.  Enhancement with CS


From: grace1...@aol.com
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 18:21:55 EDT
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Re: Protection/Water Treatments
Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
Resent-Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 15:25:30 -0700

Very true indeed!  Protection does set up a mind-set of duality, as does
healing, and everything else we do in the realm of form.  Were it not for
means of protection from the Dark Forces, I would not longer be "alive", but
would be on the other side of the balance-continuum of "life" and "death".
Thanks to removing the Dark Force energy I have the opportunity to
consciously choose the nondual "path".

Your comment about water and CS was provocative.  I have read that so much
can be done with water that promotes well-being on every level, but am not
well informed about the possibilities.  Do you know where would be a good
place to start?  I have heard of angel water, magnetized water, ozonated
water, Willard Water, water that has an alkalinating effect, etc., etc., but
would like to find a source that discusses the entire field of water
treatment, makes comparisons and draws conclusions.  The information
available seems to be from sources only offering one particular brand--for

Thanks for your valuable comments.
