Please forgive if this shows up twice...I got an error on the first
re-try. H.

Hello Wendy,

True sleep apnea is caused by the soft palette falling across the
opening to the esophagus, causing airway obstruction, resulting in
upwards of 700 or more "wake-ups" per night. What this means is the
sleeper is not actually able to get to REM sleep and is therefore not
rested, causing many health problems. The only way to tell if you have
this is to get a sleep study done. They put electrodes in various
places, measuring how many wake-ups you have during the night and how
much oxygen you are getting into your bloodstream. It is actually
considered a life-threatening condition and can result in heart failure,
not to mention the myriad possibilities for vehicular and on-the-job
accidents resulting from lack of restful sleep. I would strongly
recommend that your husband get a sleep study done soon...if he does
have Obstructive Sleep Apnea, he would likely be given a device called a
CPAP (Constant Positive Air Pressure) machine to wear while sleeping and
told to lose some weight. It's a very simple fix for a scary drugs needed.

Just recounting my recent experiences & personal health issues...


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