
There is basic information about BodyTalk on my site at
http://mybodytalk.com. I'll include a couple of attachments that founder,
Dr. Veltheim describes BodyTalk.

I am located in Vancouver, Canada - actually White Rock which is just south
of the city sitting on the US/CA border.  I do distance sessions locally,
while people are in the office (saves commute time for them) and to other
countries and continents.  Distance is not an issue when working in the

Effectively, one uses neuromuscular testing over a BT chart of conventional
anatomy, physiology, psychology, body chemistry (naturopathic vials),
Traditional Chinese medicine aspects including the 5 element theory, the
meridians, chakras, environmental factors, chiropractic energy lines,
circulation, nervous system, aspects of quantum physics, etc.  It goes on
and on is great detail.

By following the body's agenda, the body will start the healing.  The
critical difference is that I do not diagnose or prescribe.  The body
directs the session over recognised medical modalities combined together.
It's like a puzzle.  When enough bits of information are gathered, I tap the
head for introducing the new electrical support grids, and then the heart
with the idea that when in the heart, it will lock and hold.

Distance stretches the mind a bit subject to one's background. The principal
is simple. E=MC2 --- there is no time or distance.   Usually only
experienced practitioners do distance sessions.  The proof is in the
results.  It takes a bit of mind gymnastics to comprehend, (which is not
necessary for it to work).

I've a local residing PhD in nuclear physics who 'stretched her belief
system' and had a distance session over Xmas while she was preparing Xmas
dinner for international guests.  She was amazed with the results.  Summer
arrived.  Her next session was going to be when she was on vacationon the
east coast of North America.  We reside on the West Coast.  On a human level
the 'distance' started to 'mess' with her perception of reality.  Based on
E=MC2 she stretched, and the day her body indicated she needed the session,
(surrounded by family...) was exactly appropriate, and she appreciated the
'assistance'.   The point is it does not matter if it's in North America or
the southern hemisphere, or another continent.  It works.

You can contact me at:
P: 604.531.8849

I hope this answers your questions.

"Warmly with e-hugs,


"Christine Carleton, C.B.P.
Certified BodyTalk® Practitioner,
International BodyTalk System Association

"Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When
you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore.
Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory." --- Alan Alda, Actor and


From: grace1...@aol.com
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 12:21:46 EDT
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Emphesema and Acne
Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
Resent-Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 09:22:14 -0700


Please tell me where I can learn more about Body Talk.

Where are you located?

What is involved in the distance healing?

How can I contact you?

