Hi  Sandy, In my humbest opinion,
I would suspect if someone's immune system is weak, they are pretty much
susceptable to any bacteria or virus. It isn't the virus that invades
our body, it's our body's inability or capability to fight it off. Now
I'm not saying throw oneself into a lepre colony. But if one is taking
CS before, during and after I would suspect that it will ward off
whatever new pademic is lingering around. I would also suspect that the
"media" thrives off sensationalism which inturn will blow up any issue
of concern at hand to create the situation to sell their story. So
should we all now go out and get a vacine against this one too? :-) This
situation could e worse or...could be minor in comparrison. This is why
I stay away from reading or watching the news. 
Yes many more will probably die in comparrision. Hospital is the least
safest place to stay when sick. It is usually the last stop before
checking out. I don't want to sound cynical. But look at the food menu,
that should give you a big hint. Right up there with airline food. 
Just a thought.

I don't know if this has been discussed here and the  archives are down.
The media here in Toronto are giving a lot of attention to Avian flu.
It's my opinion that if they are really splashing it around, it's much
worse than they're saying, which is hugely bad!  A friend of mine who
works in a hospital is being told that many more people will die,
relative to the Sars numbers.  I realize that we are all responsible for
healthy living, e.g. keeping our immune system functioning well, but
they are saying that this pandemic will harm mostly the elderly and
young children. Is CS affective against this virus and if so, before or
after the fact?


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