The likelyhood of having symptoms 7 hours after exposure seems rather remote
to me.  I suspect that what you had has nothing to do with the raccoon.
However do note that the initial symptoms of rabies are similar to other
viruses such as the flu.


Connie Howard wrote:

> Just wanted to post about a treatment I took last night.    I had been in
> close proxsimity to the raccoon who had I believed distemper.  and in a
> enclosed enviorment.  Around 3 pm I began getting a clogged feeling in my
> ear and a pre-smyptom in my throat.  Also, I had a dull ache in my
> sholders.  I was feel kinds foggy like I was coming down with
> flu/cold/etc.   At 8pm (after sleeping for a hour) I began gargling with
> collodia silver (20 ppm; approx) and then swollowing.  I also took 1500
> Mg l-Lysine   and 2000 Mg Vit C (the good kind).  I prepared my special
> drink that I normally take when these symptoms began;  large mug of hot
> water distilled  with 1 lg tablespoon honey  (the good kind) and a couple
> capfulls of Apple Cider Vinger (the good stuff).  At 2 am  I did the same
> thing again.  I then took 2  - 3mg Melitona and 2 muscle relaxers.
> This morning only a small feeling remains of what could have been a full
> blown attact.
> Just in case someone may find this usefull
> connie
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