I hesitate to become embroiled in a commentary controversy regarding 
Vitamin A  overdose toxic qualities.  However, it may be of value to remind the 
participants that some interesting research was executed in the early 1970s 
which directly addressed this circumstance.  An Argentinian M.D. (I believe it 
was Alberto Serano) and some of his colleagues at John Sealy Hospital 
(Galveston, Texas)were addressing a disorder incurred by young children, which 
required large doses of Vitamin A.  The protocol involved administering 100,000 
I.U. per day.  The general tolerance level of these children displayed to be a 
maximum of Seven (7) continuous days before hyper-vitaminosis presented....at 
which time suspension was required for about ten days before reinstitution 
could safely be executed.  A serendipitous occurrence manifested....by chance.  
One patient was overlooked during one course of the protocol and continued to 
receive the high vitamin A dose until the NEXT round was completed.  The staff 
was astonished how this could have happened....all agreed the child was well 
beyond the "historical limits" 
tolerance level of this, particular, protocol.  Close scrutiny revealed the 
ONLY variation in protocol content experienced by this child, and the rest of 
the group, to be the fact he was receiving 200 I.U. of Natural Source Vitamin 
E------daily for a secondary affliction.  Following investigations confirmed 
that Vitamin E given as an ancillary companion to the high-dose vitamin 
A......ameliorated the hypervitaminosis previously presenting among the entire 
protocol population. 
           I hope this information is of value to some of the list membership.
                              Sincerely, Brooks Bradley 
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Chamberlin" <tcj...@yahoo.ca>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>my last post on Vit A overdose
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 17:47:22 -0400 (EDT)

> > Why do you think they are being vilified?  I read
> lots of things indicating how important vitamin A is,
> and the simple fact that it is a vitamin means that it
> is useful. But one cannot ignore that it IS toxic is
> high dosages<
> One cannot ignore the fact that colloidal silver
> causes argyria. Unless one discovers that no
> differentiation is made by doctors/scientists between
> colloidal silver and silver proteins, salts, etc.,
> which DO cause argyria. What is being vilified is
> something CALLED Vit A which is NOT Vit A, but a
> chemical approximation of it.
> > The question is if too much vitamin A is toxic.<
> That IS the question. Asking for the answer from
> sources who refuse to even consider that there is a
> difference between a chemical parody of a natural
> substance and the natural substance itself can be very
> misleading and uninformative.
> > My sister spent a week in the hospital before they
> discovered she had vitamin A poisoning a few decades
> ago. I do not know if she was taking natural or
> synthetic.<
> Yet that is the whole point. You have come to the
> conclusion that Vit A poisoning is possible, based
> seemingly on the negative experience of your sister,
> who overdosed on SOMETHING, but you don’t know what
> that something was. Your opinion seems also to have
> been additionally formed by the declarations of
> professionals who refuse to distinguish between a
> vitamin and a chemical, just as they refuse to
> distinguish between a silver colloid and a silver
> protein. I agree that if I were to drink a gallon
> bucket of fish liver oil, I would certainly become
> highly nauseated, probably even sick. Just like too
> much water, or too much anything. And theoretically it
> is possible to drink too much CS, even though properly
> made, but it is so unlikely it is ridiculous.
> I am not concerned with the possibility of overdosing
> on Vit A by ingesting huge, ridiculous quantities of
> it. What matters to me is if such an overdose is
> likely enough to make me need to be cautious. I do not
> believe it is.
> The experience of doctors and other health
> professionals who have administered 1 to 3 million
> units of Vit A from fish sources, plus the known
> amounts of Vit A intake ingested on a regular basis by
> Eskimo Indians without any noticeable disadvantage
> (but distinct health benefits), make me believe that
> it would be very difficult to hurt oneself with
> natural, fish-source Vit A.
> On the other hand, all the reports I have seen about
> Vit A overdose have come from sources who almost
> certainly used synthetic Vit A, or at best it cannot
> be ascertained what was the source.
> This is my own conviction, but I suspect this topic
> would best be moved somewhere else.
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