Jim said,
>Some authorities say that drinking lemon
juice---acidic, citric acid---is a good way to make
the body more alkaline. <

Actually, no, not more alkaline, more anionic, which
is close but not identical.

Dr. Carey Reams taught that the process of
metabolizing our food involved the interaction between
strong anionic digestive enzymes and predominantly
cationic food (all foods being either cationic or a
mixture of cationic and anionic). For the most part,
anionic equals alkaline, and cationic equals acidic.
The exception is fresh lemon juice, which would be
considered to be acidic, but which is pure anionic.
Dr. Reams used fresh lemon juice diluted in 9 parts DW
as a way to strengthen the digestive enzymes and
rebuild the liver. It is so effective it sometimes
causes a healing crisis.

After about 20 minutes exposure to the air, lemon
juice becomes cationic, unless it is diluted in DW.


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