I was at my local grocery store and read the poster advertising Flu Shots. Among other restrictions, the poster said that people who have allergies to thimerisol should not take the shot. ALLERGIES? to thimerisol???

Isn't thimerisol/mercury a POISON???

I thought thimerisol as a preservative was banned? Wouldn't it be likely to contribute to Alzheimers to give senior citizens shots with mercury in them?

I also saw a whole line of people waiting to get their shots on another day... my heart just broke for these people poisoning their bodies while thinking they were doing something good. Oh, and my health food store is right next to the grocery - the owner told me that last year 3 people fainted from waiting outside in the heat in line to get their flu shot.


Lea Ann

----- Original Message ----- From: "Marshall Dudley" <mdud...@king-cart.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C

Max Sanders wrote:

Do most of you folk NOT take the flu vaccine due to your healthy
distrust of poison in the needles, or the more positive take that
Silver and other methods will protect?  I am interested in the various
points of view.

I avoid the vaccinations for both reasons.  Interestingly when I got cut
by a piece of metal the doctor wanted me to get a tetanus vaccination. I
researched it and found that the likelihood of dieing from the vaccine
was about 20 times higher than dieing from tetanus if I don't take the
vaccine, so I declined.


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