Dear Mr. Sanders,
                   Our research, during the mid-1990's, yielded some useful 
data....relating to Hep C
and other similar pernicious viral insults.  Our experimental protocols (the 
ones producing the most marked beneficial effect) involved a composite 
methodology including 10 to 20 ppm strength colloidal silver, alpha lipoic acid 
and high-dosage vitamin C (buffered with common sodium bicarbonate).  We 
determined, early on, that dosages of 500 mg to 1000 mg of alpha lipoic acid 
and  10 to 20 Grams of vitamin C .....DAILY, were required for meaningful 
favorable response.  The actual dosage of Vitamin C was determined by the 
"bowel-tolerance" exhibited by the various volunteers.  This characteristic 
quite measurably----especially  among the adult population.  VERY rarely did we 
encounter anyone with a "bowel-tolerance" less than 10 grams daily. A few of 
our volunteers required alpha lipoic dosages as high as 1800 to 2000 mg daily 
for up to 15 days, initially, before promising liver-health parameters
began to present.  It might be of value to relate that in two instances, 
utilizing protocols based upon those pioneered by Dr. Frederick Klenner and 
associates.....IV Vitamin C dosages of a very high order  (1000 mg per kilogram 
of body weight) were required for stabilization of very high viral loads.  
However, this protocol resulted in spectacular results in these, formerly, 
non-responding experimental
           Colloidal silver dosages as high as 50 fluid ounces daily, at 
strengths as high as 20 ppm
were utilized in these experimental researches......without any untoward 
            I would strongly encourage you to prosecute some personal research 
embracing the Klenner/Cathcart high-dosage Vitamin C protocol histories.  After 
familiarizing yourself with their many successes, I believe you would be 
well-served to canvas the Professional Medical practitioner field until you 
locate one that is receptive/amenable to this type of VERY powerful address to 
Hep well as many other of the more serious viral insults currently 
expressing within our society.
                        Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.   
----- Original Message -----
From: "Max Sanders" <>
To: CS <>
Subject: CS>Flu Immunization, vaccines in general, and Hep C
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 19:55:21 -0700 (PDT)

> Do most of you folk NOT take the flu vaccine due to your healthy 
> distrust of poison in the needles, or the more positive take that 
> Silver and other methods will protect?  I am interested in the 
> various points of view.
> I myself have always distrusted vaccines, but evaluate continually 
> i.e. I have Hep C.  It is strongly recommended to get the 
> antibodies to Hep A and B because a case of either could sink the 
> liver. So I tried the Hep A and B series and my body did not make 
> the antibodies.  So now I am retaking the shots, but by a "travel 
> dr" or immunologist, who uses a subdermal (as opposed to 
> intermuscular) technique that may help stimulate the antibodies.  I 
> generally would rather not, but the risk scenario seemed OK...but 
> then again, I do not know that much about this situation.
> Does anyone know what a neg response to the Hep A and B vaccines 
> means?  The Dr's just shrug, but state that the response rate 
> normally is in the 99% range (have heard different).
> I still make my silver and loyally take it as one of the tools to 
> keep me healthy. (I am sure my quality and potency could be better) 
>   But my viral loads have remained steady, much to my dismay.  I 
> would love, obviously, a total clearance.  Any new info on Hep C 
> approaches?  I haven't asked here in a while.  The good news is 
> that my liver is pretty healthy (never abused to a great degree and 
> protect w Milk Thistle), and recent tests show normal liver enzymes 
> for the first time in a decade.  So I have this sense that I am 
> holding strong, but the virus remains in an immune system sensitive 
> state.  As such, I feel vulnerable to a twist of fate that would 
> lead to a viral explosion.
> Thanks for any and all considered responses.
> Maz
> ---------------------------------
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