Years ago, I had a terrible attack of kidney stones. A year or so later, it 
became apparent that it seemed to be a re-occuring situation. I was told by a 
D.O. that there was an herb, which, if I made a tea of it, and drank about two 
cups a day at first, would do a great deal to alleviate my pain and the 
The tea - which I now order in bulk from "Mother's" - was an herb called 
"Cleavers" (or gallium, something...). The herb grows all over the United 
States in spring (I have collected it and used it dried) it is used as a 
general tonic, but also, seems to dissolve the sharp edges of the crystals that 
make up kidney stones. I have not had the severe kidney pain since I started 
making Cleavers tea. If I start feeling it, I make up a pot of the tea. I am 
not a health professional, but this herb helped me. Maybe it would help you.
Jan Bolen