Terry, I received this email yesterday. What do you

"Sorry, but as far as I can tell it is 'study',
singular, and it was apparently not peer reviewed.  If
there were corroborating studies then wouldn't you
think they would be linked at mercola.com?  Because
they aren't linked,  I think I am safe in declaring
that there are no supporting studies.

This whole silliness came from one man, Tom Valentine.
 He is widely known as a flake and totally unreliable
source of all sorts of unprovable claims.  As a matter
of fact he has now been forced on his website to admit
that there are no clinical studies that support this
single Swiss 'study'.

The internet is a large place these days, doesn't it
strike you as strange that when you google for the
subject you only come up with this one 'study'?

Also, now that international communication is the norm
these 'microwave ovens are dangerous' folks no longer
push the lie that the Soviet Union outlawed microwave
ovens because of the health risks.

My question to you is why are you ready to believe and
actively promote something like this with absolutely
no evidence but what amounts to one man's opinion?"

-Ken Bagwell

--- Terry Chamberlin <tcj...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> On the microwave oven topic, some have said this,
> some
> have said that, but it seemed to me that we should
> look at any legitimate research, rather than
> conjecture.
> “One short-term study found significant and
> disturbing
> changes in the blood of individuals consuming
> microwaved milk and vegetables. Eight volunteers ate
> various combinations of the same foods cooked
> different ways. All foods that were processed
> through
> the microwave ovens caused changes in the blood of
> the
> volunteers. Hemoglobin levels decreased and over-all
> white cell levels and cholesterol levels increased.
> Lymphocytes decreased.”  
> See: www.mercola.com/article/microwave/hazards.htm 
> Also: www.mercola.com/article/microwave/hazards2.htm
> Someone said: “Take a look at this thread
> www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/weblog/comments/3142 
> and
> check out the website the original poster is
> criticizing:  www.relfe.com/microwave.html She
> *might*
> have made some important points but because of her
> illogical statement at the beginning, many readers
> stopped listening to her.”
> The *illogical* statement being referred to was
> presumably the reference to a woman who died after
> being given blood heated in a microwave. On the
> second
> website, this claim was criticised with the
> statement,
> “The incident did happen, but a jury found that
> Norma
> Levitt was killed by a blood clot, not by blood
> heated
> in a microwave.” I’m confused. How did they suppose
> this blood clot was formed? Could it be that
> microwaving the blood created a blood clot? I do not
> find that hard to believe.
> Dr. Mercola (above sites) seems to accept the idea
> of
> microwaves being unhealthy. The information in the
> articles on his website seem to make a very strong
> scientific case.
> I would be very interested in the outcome of an
> experiment using microwaved water with plants.
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