Hello Paula,

This is a very sad and very difficult situation to be in.  Some things to 

1) Homeopathy to help with vaccine damage.
2) Mercury Removal  http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Autism-Mercury/  This 
groups has TONS of knowledge about more than just mercury chelation.
3) Autism Research Institute  http://www.autismwebsite.com/ari/index.htm  A 
best place to start educating herself.

My thoughts and prayers go out to her.

Lea Ann
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Paula Perry 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 7:21 AM
  Subject: CS>Autism

  Does anyone know of an effective treatment for Autism? If anyone has any 
first hand experience with a treatment that seems to help I would appreciate 
any advice. I am trying to help one of my students. She has a 22 month old 
little boy. He appeared normal until he was vaccinated at 8 months old. She 
said he was ill after the vaccination and then started to regress. He now 
displays all the behaviors and characteristics of Autism. She does think it is 
related to the vaccination and is educated about vaccination. She is 
desperately looking for a way to help her little boy. 