Hi Nancy,
  The plums are considered a condomint for seasoning foods such as brown  rice, 
salads etc.    Americans would use the likes  of  ketchup, or mustard, hot 
sauce in its stead.  Generally,  they are used sparingly, from half a plum to a 
whole.  They are  not usually eaten alone. 
  Umeboshi plums are fermented products that are high in iron, thiamin,  and 
riboflavin. Like other fermented foods, they are beneficial to  digestion, 
stimulating the secretion of digestive fluids in the stomach  and enhancing the 
growth of healthy bacterial cultures in the  intestinal tract.  If a persons 
digestive system is sensititve or  compromised just one plum eaten alone has 
the potential to keep your  intestines busy purging for an entire day. 
  Best regards,
  Carol Ann

Tad Winiecki <winie...@pacifier.com> wrote:  <<<
One of the best ways to make your body alkaline is to have an umeboshi plum
 a day.  It will make your body alkaline.
And where would one find one of those?     MA >>>>

You could possibly grow your own- Raintree Nursery carries them sometimes,
though they seem to be out of stock at present.


But what is different about these plums?  Perhaps any plum would work.
Methley bears very heavily for me.

Nancy W.

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