  I heard on another site that Guifanesin (the expectorant drug they put  in 
cough and cold syrups) is supposed to be really helpful with Fibro,  although I 
have not checked it out myself yet, but I had never heard of  that treatment 
  -Ken Bagwell

Bill Amos <> wrote:              Hello:
  In August, my daughter lost the use of her left   hand, wrist and arm and 2 
weeks later she lost the use of both   legs.
  She slowly got the use of her legs back by the end   of September and in the 
past few weeks she has started getting the feeling and   movement back in her 
left arm. She has had a total body mri with contrast, eeg,   emg,
  ct scans and a spinal tap. The neurologist says it   all stems from 
fibromyalgia, which she has suffered with for quite a few years.   He was her 
second opinion neurologist. She takes colloidal silver and for the   pain she 
includes colloidal gold. She was taking colloidal platinum for energy   but 
says her body can't keep up with the effects she gets from the colloidal   
platinum. Today her family doctor told her she thinks it's more than the   
  Has anyone had any similar experiances and if so   any successful releif ?

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