
This maybe true, and hopefully is; but what are they basing this recall
on...   batches at the plant before being shipped.  
Guess I'm becoming more and more skeptically about things.


On Tue, 06 Dec 2005 15:59:06 -0700 sol <> writes:
> Folks, every once in a while the FDA does what it is supposed to do.
> sol
> FDA Press Release 
>  This listserv covers mainly Class I (life-threatening) recalls. A 
> complete
> listing of recalls can be found in the FDA Enforcement Report at:
> P05-95
> December 6, 2005        Media Inquiries:
> Rae Jones, 301-827-6242
> Consumer Inquiries:
> 888-INFO-FDA   
> FDA Warns Consumers About Unapproved and Bacterially-Contaminated 
> Miracle II
> Neutralizer and Miracle II Neutralizer Gel Drug Products
> Use of Products Could lead to Severe Infections 
> The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to 
> use
> Miracle II Neutralizer and Miracle II Neutralizer Gel products 
> manufactured
> by Tedco, Inc., in West Monroe, Louisiana because the products are
> bacterially contaminated and have not been proven to be safe and 
> effective.
> Use of these products could pose a risk of serious adverse events 
> such as
> infections, particularly in children, the elderly, and individuals 
> with
> weakened immune systems who are particularly susceptible to illness. 
> "We will not tolerate the marketing of products that use deceptive 
> and
> untruthful claims to lure consumers into potentially dangerous 
> situations,"
> said Margaret O'K. Glavin, FDA's Associate Commissioner for 
> Regulatory
> Affairs. "We consider it a significant public health hazard when 
> consumers
> are deliberately deceived into using potentially dangerous products 
> that
> promise health benefits but deliver only risk of harm."
> Tedco, Inc., promotes Miracle II Neutralizer for ophthalmic use (in 
> the
> eyes), including treatment of cataracts and pink eye, and as an 
> eyewash. FDA
> requires that all ophthalmic products be sterile. Due to the 
> substantial
> risk posed by non-sterility, Miracle II Neutralizer should never be 
> applied
> to the eyes. 
> Tedco, Inc., also markets Miracle II Neutralizer for other 
> unapproved uses,
> including treatment of AIDS, cancer, Crohn's Disease, dermatitis, 
> diaper
> rash, diabetes, ear ache, hemorrhoids, hives, gout, herpes, mouth 
> ulcers,
> psoriasis, skin cancer, and yeast infection. The firm sells Miracle 
> II
> Neutralizer Gel for many of the same unapproved uses, including 
> diaper rash,
> diabetes, gout, psoriasis, and skin cancer. 
> Tedco, Inc., promotes its Miracle II products with claims such as, 
> "Supreme
> technology has made possible for a perfect soap cleaner, deodorizer, 
> natural
> insecticide and antibacterial product to be put on the market. This 
> is the
> only product that is made in the world that can wash a newborn baby 
> or clean
> up an oil spill and everything in between." Contrary to such claims, 
> recent
> FDA testing of Miracle II Neutralizer and Miracle II Neutralizer 
> Gel
> revealed bacterial contamination and poor manufacturing conditions. 
> Although Tedco, Inc., has been advised by FDA of the contamination 
> found in
> its Miracle II Neutralizer and Miracle II Neutralizer Gel products, 
> the firm
> has declined to voluntarily remove the products from the market.
> A number of stores sell Miracle II Neutralizer and Miracle II 
> Neutralizer
> Gel, and the products are distributed and sold worldwide and sold 
> via the
> Internet. The products are packaged in 8 oz, 22 oz, and one-gallon 
> size
> containers. 
> FDA urges consumers, health care providers, and caregivers to cease 
> using
> and dispose of these products and report any adverse events related 
> to these
> products to MedWatch, the FDA's voluntary reporting program at
> 1-800-FDA-1088; by FAX at 1-800-FDA-0178; by mail to MedWatch, Food 
> and Drug
> Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD, 20857-9787; or 
> online at
> #### 
> FDA's Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts Page:
> -- 
> Whenever you find you are on the side of the majority, it is time to 
> pause and reflect. Mark Twain 
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
> Silver.
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