Subject: The Truth About Raw Foods 
Sorry Ole Bob - One more healthy word regards RAW before topic goes to OT
I can never tell when some of you more serious types are joking. Just in
case some of you, like me, are gullable types, a note of special interest
here might be helpful and necessary. 
RAW food in the field that I am in (which BTW is alternative health) refers
to a diet of mostly fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, fresh juices, and
dehydrated goodies. Raw where I come from means absolutely without a shadow
of a doubt, NO MEAT,or organ meats, including turkey and chicken. No fish
either is consumed. 
I wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about RAW, just like you wouldn
t want anyone to get the wrong idea about CS. 
Cheers to your Health, 

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