----- Original Message ----- 
From: "M. G. Devour" <mdev...@eskimo.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 7:09 PM
Subject: CS>Type I diabetes...

I haven't had the chance to research this condition, yet. From what my wife 
tells me, my daughter's friend has just been diagnosed with what appears to be 
a typical case of sudden onset type I diabetes. 

The girl, 15, was being treated for a yeast infection. The first round of 
treatment being ineffective, the doctor did some additional tests, including a 
blood glucose, which was higher than the 500 full scale of the meter. 

They put the girl in the hospital, where she's being controlled with insulin 
and coached on managing her condition. She'll probably be released in the next 
day or two. 

Does anyone have any reports, positive OR negative, on alternative treatments 
for this condition? Any good theories being put forth as to the root cause? 
Successful remissions or cures? Specific treatment attempts, even unsuccessful?

Hello Mike.
Several years ago when I was giving a seminar on Rife technology for a group of 
mostly health professionals, a woman with diabetes (she was injecting herself 
with insulin) offered to do a demo. She worked in the office of the naturopath 
who was hosting the seminar, so she had access to all sorts of equipment. She 
took her blood sugar levels before and after the demo.

In about 35 minutes, her blood sugar levels had dropped 40 points.

So Rife technology is one venue. The frequencies work both to normalize tissue, 
and to kill microbes, mostly by killing microbes. If one's blood sugar levels 
can drop so dramatically with just one short Rife treatment, I would venture to 
say that the cause is microbial in nature. There could be flukes in the 
pancreas, which interferes with the production of insulin and other secretions.

Alternatively, colloidal silver could be used. One would hope that it would go 
where it's needed.

The herbs stevia and neem are both supposed to lower blood sugar levels. 
However, the sweet taste can be tricky, because the body often responds to 
sweet herbs as though they are sugar, just because of the taste, which triggers 
something in the brain. So you have to be careful.

My hit is that essential oils could be very useful here. They go right into the 
bloodstream to the brain when rubbed into the skin. Aromatherapists aren't 
allowed of course to make claims for EOs. But the anti-fungal, anti-viral, and 
anti-bacterial effects of the "Big 4" -- eucalyptus, oregano, tea tree, and 
thyme -- might get to areas that need it. And of course the mood-altering and 
energizing qualities are very important. I imagine this might appeal to a 

I would think that the yeast alone could be a huge factor in the diabetes. I 
know it was for me when I was in my 20s. I eliminated the condition paying 
scrupulous attention to my diet -- moderate animal proteins, lots of veggies, a 
tiny bit of fat, and no fruit, sweeteners, grains, or dairy. Yeast can create 
havoc in the body.

Finally, since she has candida, it's a good idea to check for leaky gut. Also 
make sure the adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, and ovaries are functioning 
correctly, because they are in a delicate checks-and-balances system with each 
other. When one goes off, the others become hyper or hypo to compensate. 
Glandular function is important.

I would recommend a VoiceBio practitioner. I am certified in it and it has been 
amazingly accurate in showing what's going on in the body. See 


Nenah Sylver, PhD
* The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing
* The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy
* products and services for wellness