
Shegoi is said to be very effective for malaria.  I'd also like to bring your 
attention to another native remedy for malaria that has been shown 
scientifically to be far more effective than quinine and other pharmacutical 
agents.  It is artemisinin, an extract of the Chinese Wormwood plant.  Dr. 
Henry Lai at the University of Washington has done extensive research on this 
substance.  It is recognized in China and elsewhere as the treatment of choice 
for malaria.  It is also very effective for most forms of cancer as it's 
molecule has an affinity for iron.  When it comes in contact with iron it 
causes an immediate oxidation reaction destroying the cell, microbe etc. that 
contained the iron.  Cancer cells as well as the malarial parasite contains 
high iron content.  It can be taken in pill form although it is sold in bulk 
powder as well.  Holly Pharma, Dr. Lai's company, has a web site you should 
