Nancy...  your comments regarding Sovereign Silver peeked my interest... 
I'm still working on a good treatment for my Cats who have upper
respiratory problems.  Though they have improved significantly using my
homemade CS I thought adding Sovereign Silver may up their comfort
level...  could you let me know where you get your Sovereign Silver....  

thanks so much


On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 23:34:15 -0600 "Nancy DeLise" <>
I took 16- 20 oz. of my home made Cs for 2 1/2 years.  When I learned
about Sovereign Silver, I took 2 teaspoons four times a day.  Now that I
am about 90 % cured  of my MS, I take 8 oz. of my home made in the
morning and 2 teaspoons of Sovereign Silver two times a day.(MS is a
virus and I would never stop completely)
    As far as the H2o2, I put 1 drop of H2o2 into 2 oz. of CS and let it
sit for about 15 minutes.  The H2o2 interacts with the silver and causes
the particles to break up into much smaller particles, and more of it
gets utilized by the body rather then just going thru quickly.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Greg Ball 
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:09 PM

Nancy - I may have missed this in another post, but how much sovereign
did you take, and did you combine that with homemade? Also, how did you
make your homemade silver?

Lastly, why mix the silver with the H202? I have an ozone machine and can
drink ozone water. Would this be the same because it ads oxygen? or is
there something about the peroxide thatÂ’s unique? Does it combine somehow
with the silver?

Thanks so much for sharing!