At 07:11 AM 12/20/2005, you wrote:
You said it all, Ode! Thanks for an informational reply. I especially appreciated the historical context! I first learned about Echelon during the latter years of the Clinton administration, when I began to "wake up and smell the coffee" and also became adept at using the Internet. Big Brother also scans every single e-mail transmission. Heck, Rush was discussing yesterday that they can even lock onto transmissions of the baby monitors people have in their homes to listen to their infants from another room.

The snoopers look for key words in e-mails such as bo-mb, etc. Anything that might yield information about terrorism or presumably even political non-correctness re: the people in power could trigger the system and make one be fair game for perusal. My friend's son, who was and still is a computer guru told me all about it back then and I don't imagine they have become less sophisticated in the interim. They have had nearly 60 years to perfect the tools of their trade. And Senator Boxer, and others who have piled on and are sanctimoniously attacking Bush, know it! But it makes good political fodder for those listening to such attackers who want to believe the worst. The New York Times, the self-righteous Dems, and anyone who would put our country in jeopardy willingly in exchange for political advantage know what Simon and Garfunkel sang years ago is true -- "a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest!"

Now, then, if they hear of a better way to make, use, and get the word out about CS, we will all give Echelon three cheers.


Get real!

So what has the NSA top secret "Echelon" project [that so many people know about somehow] been doing for the past 40+ years other than scanning every satellite, Internet, radio, FAX and cell phone transmission that .................suddenly makes it Bush's baby? Is this the "Great Society" legacy of Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson and the mobster smuggler Kennedys?
 Maybe not, but they sure didn't stop it.

Echelons beginnings date from 1948.
NSA started in 1952 under Harry Truman...another Democrat...and one of the main missions was to "eavesdrop" on steel mills to prevent a strike and everyone else later on using the Echelon system after the Supreme Court ruled that placing control under a TOP SECRET agency [NSA] that doesn't report to the Supreme Court. The Crisis Mongers are apparently attempting to fill Georges can with their own crap legacy.
 "Domestic Spying" is most certainly not "new" news.
 Echelon listens to EVERYTHING in the air, all over the world.

The only thing that George is doing differently is sharing the info with other agencies and not denying that the system exists. [but still doesn't utter the word "Echelon"] He also doesn't waste a lot of energy defending himself when he could and someone else would, were they in his shoes.

The crisis mongers are confusing "domestic wire" taps with listening in to the public airwaves which is legal for anyone to do. Cell phone calls and police radios are regularly listened into by private individuals who own scanners. The only restrictions are about how the info is 'used' and there is a 72 hour window to get a retroactive warrant on info already collected should it be useful..which [so far as I can tell] includes domestic "wire" taps if the tap in not located inside a building.
A warrant is obtained so the info can be used in court.
Trans Oceanic cables are not domestic lines and anything broadcast is Public Domain. Planting "bugs" in a room is a different story being discussed with the advent of laser listening devices that don't attach to or enter into a building. Planting a bug requires a warrant to gain entry in order to plant the bug with no retroactive provision. There are no laws against anyone using a hearing aid, a vibrating window is a speaker and sounds broadcast in the air are Public Domain.

 Right or wrong aside
Anyone with a desire to maintain privacy has known to use encryption and codes for a long long time.

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