
A friend of mine, shes in her mid 20's, has this condition and was told that it is a loss of energy from her "core." Now I'm not one for knowing for sure. But from a Yoga teachers point of view,a loss of core heat or energy must mean there is an imbalance of some sort in the meridans of her body. I don't know enough about this It's interesting to note, that when the person feel stress to the body through whatever form the blood vessels or capilaries contrict causing this problem. She has this problem even during hot days during summer months here in Toronto. Scleredoma( spelling) seems to be a problem that goes in conjuction with this but not in all cases. 35% of people who have this also have Raynauds..whether phen, or syndrom. I am going to ask my senior teacher, if she's had experience with this because she has a medical background in eastern medicine.

thanks for your openess.



Subject: Re: CS>H2O2 and EIS
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 18:32:45 EST

In a message dated 12/21/2005 5:00:15 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

Does  anyone here have experience with ?
Condition where extremities such as  fingers and toes lose circulation and
become  cold.



I have been pained with the problem for 20 some years. There doesn't seem to
be a safe way of eliminating the problem. A lot of years ago I took  a
medicine that was supposed to help. It merely made my pulse and BP rise. I didn't
feel any relief from the cold. I just buy and wear better gloves and good
socks. I just try to stay warm...............I live in central Illinois. :-)
I'm going on to 72 years young in March. I guess I've proved one can live
with the problem.
There seems to be Raynaud's phenomenon and Raynaud's syndrom. Either, if the
Insurance Companys get wind of can be slighted for getting
But being on Medicare............I don't care in my case.


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