“Too much niacin can also stress the liver so it is
wise to be cautious.”

The amount of niacin that would be needed to be
ingested in order to stress the liver is actually a
difficult amount to get used to. Ted is taking 6,000
mg/day, and his liver is fine, I bet. 

Also, a very important thing to remember about taking
individual B vitamins is that the body is designed to
metabolize all the B complex together, and taking
individual B vitamins can cause a deficiency of some
of the others. To be safe, whenever you take a
significant amount of a specific B vitamin (like
niacin, or B12), or take it for an extended time, it
is good to be ingesting a total B complex food, like
nutritional yeast, or taking a B complex supplement
that contains ALL the B vitamins (not just the ones
the doctors think are important). A good, food-source,
comprehensive B complex supplement would be the kind
where you need to take several capsules/tablets per
meal/day, rather than the One-A-Day type, which only
has a few synthetically-made B vitamins. Besides the
fact that it wouldn’t hurt you to be getting extra B
vitamins, it would also provide your body with the
ones needed to help metabolize the niacin or whatever.

The doctor I first read about (forgot his name) who
uses mega-doses of niacin to very successfully treat
schizophrenia used 30,000 mg/day (injection, not
orally). He was the one who also mentioned the need to
add generous amounts of the whole B complex, from food
sources, not synthetically made.

Terry Chamberlin

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