Hi Pete,

I would start with the liver. If we look at skin as one of our biggest elimination organs, cleaning the liver can go a long way to helping with skin issues. At 21 she can have a lot of toxins stored away that her body is trying to get out however possible. My suggestion would be a bowel cleanse/liver flush/anti-parasite regimen. There's a lot of info to be found about this on Curezone.com.

Of course, have her keep misting topically in the meantime. :-)


panamp...@aol.com wrote:

Well list, I am back again with a request for my 21yr old's Acne. We(she) had tried "ProActive" for several months which worked for awhile but then stopped. The doctor then put her on, "Tetracycline" which helped a little, but started to turn her forehead a yellowish shade. Since then she has tried nearly all the OTC products including some that are treated orally and with creams to the face. Yes, she did try "EIS"(misting on her face), but didn't get in to drinking much of it. She is going back on New Year's Day to Kansas City Art Institute to finish her junior year but is still covered with acne. I think she felt better after having seen my "Cansema nose" which does still look like a bad case of acne.<G> The acne seems to lower her "self-esteem" as she is always hesitant on going shopping, thinking people are looking at her. I will try anything to help her, as she is truly a pretty girl and full of life! I am open to most any suggestions, hoping that maybe something new has come around since last addressing this issue. Pete

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