Hi gang!

If it's any interest to y'all, I just closed out my 2005 archive of 
list posts. The total number of messages I see is 10070, or an average 
of about 28 per day...

This is down about 10% from last year, and a lot lower than the 14000-
some posts per year at the peak back about 2001, I think.

The list membership hovers at just over 600, as it has for at least a 
year now. There were only 113 when I inherited the list from Gary 
Hawkins back in early 1998.

I've normally run the list a bit looser on subject control than some 
folks want it, admitting that the inevitable stream of "What can I do 
for..." -type questions are, in fact, an important part of what we do.

This comes at a price for those on dial-up connections, and for people 
who are on short rations time and energy-wise due to illness or coping 
with the illness of a loved-one.

So, please observe the list rules and etiquette so that you will 
enforce on yourselves the discipline that will keep the list in the 
best shape possible:

Naturally, any CS related topic is fine.

Any questions about health related issues are fine and may be answered, 
whether the answer involves CS or not.

Non-CS-related answers should be covered briefly, in just enough depth 
to satisfy basic curiosity and point out essential resources so folks 
may follow up on the topic themselves.

Detailed or extended off-topic discussions should be taken to the Off 
Topic List, private e-mail, or other forums.

A reasonable amount of off-topic chatter, humor, friendly asides, etc., 
is okay, so long as you are considerate and keep it to a low level.

You should turn off fancy text formatting and graphics and delete as 
much of the text you are responding to as you can and still leave a 
hint of the context of your reply.

Minimize one-liner replies like "Thank you" and "Me too!" Wait 'til 
multiple replies arrive and thank everyone at once. Send requests for 
things people offer directly to their private e-mail address rather 
than to the entire list... and so on.

These are thoughtful things we all can do to cut down on traffic and 
keep things reasonably focused.

I'm pretty satisfied with the volume and tone of our conversations, 
most of the time. I will step in to bring things into line, but 
understand that it is you, as individuals, who can best moderate your 
own activity.  

I like the people in this group. I'm glad you're all a part of my life.

I wish you well in this new year. May 2006 be good to each of us.     

Mike D.
List owner dude!

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>