
Obviously you haven't looked at the whole website. If you click on Products and scroll down to Household Pesticides, the product is called Perma-Guard Household Insecticide. If you click on Products again and scroll down to Fossil Shell Flour for Livestock, that is edible DE. Look at the order form, there is Perma-Guard Fossil Shell Flour (Animal Feed), Perma-Guard Household D20 (Insecticide), etc. I have ordered both the shell flour and the insecticide in the past. I did read the 3rd paragraph on the home page which talks about the Perma-Guard with added Pyrethrum and Piperonyl butoxide which is the insecticide. Paragraph 5 tells you about Perma-Guard owning patents for animal food additives, insecticides and worming. They make several different products with Perma-Guard or DE.

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