In a message dated 1/6/2006 7:19:14 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Hello.  My father has cancer and it is taking my mom
> and I both to take care  of him as he cannot get out of
> bed.  I am looking for an  immediate cure. I just
> joined and I'm in Dallas. I know health stores  carry
> this but I have not looked into the cost yet. Any  recommendations?

In addition to M. D's input, and taking at least 2 quarts good quality CS  in 
divided doses(building up as tolerated), I would add a raw food diet, and an  
herb preparation called C-1.  The raw food diet and the C-1 got rid of lung  
cancer in a friend of mine in three months.  Ten years later he is  
certifiably free from cancer.  Had we known about CS back then, he would  have 
that as well.  You can order the herb preparation from New Body  Products, 
537-4793 (USA).  The dose of the herb is important.   You don't want to 
release toxins faster than the body can handle.  Either  use 1/2 capsule daily, 
have a qualified person muscle test for an  individualized dosage (with 
retesting regularly).  To obtain the C-1  quickly call the number above in the 
morning, give them a credit card number,  and tell them it is urgent.  You will 
have it by the next day.   The cost of the herb will be less than $20 for 100 
Sending prayers your way,