Hi there:
I suffered from bad asthma, and bronchitis and pneumonia along with that,  
but discovered that almost all of my symptoms were due to two food  
allergies--milk and wheat.  I have been asthma free since I was  desensitized 
for these 
allergens.  If you don't want to go the  desensitization route, you might try 
least simplifying your diet, and  eliminating one food at a time to see if 
you get relief.  Muscle testing  might also point out the offending allergen. 
The EFT website (_www.emofree.com_ (http://www.emofree.com) ) also will guide 
you to  another website for allergyantidotes.com (if I remember correctly) with 
Sandy  Radomski, who has redesigned NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination 
Technique) so  that one can self treat using a hybrid of EFT and NAET to 
Also, I worked with a psychotherapy client clearing emotions from childhood  
abuse and rejection.  The client came to my office with asthmatic symptoms,  
and was getting a case of the flu on top of everything else.  This client  has 
had very severe asthma since childhood, entailing medication, and  
hospitalizations approximately once per month.  After 45 minutes of  clearing 
emotions associated with the abuse, her breathing cleared, and she  has not had 
asthma a single day since then (five years ago!).  (The purpose  of her coming 
to work on abuse issues only; the clearing up of her  asthma was a side 
effect, and a total surprise!).  For emotional clearing,  you could use EFT 
(_www.emofree.com_ (http://www.emofree.com) ), or the  Release Technique (get 
the book 
The Sedona Method, by Hale  Dwoskin).  If you want assistance, you can also 
have a master EFT  technician help you by phone (see EFT website for EFT master 
practitioners who  will work over the phone), or look up a therapist trained 
in EMDR (Eye Movement  Desensitization and Reprocessing).
After being asthma free for around 2 1/2 years now, my  asthma started to 
come back.  I noticed that the symptoms would start  up after blowing my nose 
with either Kleenex or toilet tissue.  As soon as  I quit blowing my nose (just 
let it drip!), I haven't had ANY further  attacks.  The next thing will be to 
get desensitized to whatever is in  the nose wipes!
Hope this helps,