Hi there. And HELP please.

I just had some 'rife type' frequency work and electrodermal testing
done on myself yesterday...and we found my body had endolimax nana
parasite as well as Borrelia and in a lump in my breast. They zapped
with specific frequencies and apparently killed these...

HOWEVER, the endolimax nana is apparently in the water sample I took
which is from my well. He told me if I drink the water I will become
reinfected. It was also suggested that pesticides like 24D, atrazine,
glyphosate etc. are in it as well. Perhaps neighbouring farms are
interfering with our water supply underground? (we had a very expensive
water test done 5 yrs ago when we bought this place by an independent
lab and it came back clear for pesticides despite the previous pesticide
use here. We don't use anything on our 100 acres since then and we are
secluded and far from the road)

Anyhow... we have our own CS generator from Silvergen... my dad
suggested we dump a whole bunch down it to kill the bacteria??? Any idea
how much I would need for it to be effective? Maybe something to do on a
regular basis??

At this point I don't know what else to do in terms of improving our
water supply. We have 2 small children and are doing the best we can
health wise- water is so important that we need to seriously figure
something out. Any thoughts or experiences?? Presently we have bought
some bottled water and my dad has loaned us his distiller short term. If
we go RO won't I need a water softener??? Hulda Clarks says to stay away
from them. I also could ozonate small amounts of water with the medical
generator I have but neither that nor the distiller deals with the whole
house and it might not eliminate all the pesticides either... what a

Any thoughts would greatly be appreciated.

Ontario, canada

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