I use 1 ounce CS, 1/2 to 1 tsp MSM powder, 3 to 5 drops of DMSO (99% veterinary grade). You could use more DMSO I think. I have no idea what percentage the 3 to 5 drops per oz of CS equates to. 1 tsp MSM to one ounce of CS or distilled water is the solubility maximum. I mix it in a 1 ounce glass dropper bottle and just dropper about 3 ml into the nebulizer cup. My nebulizer is a small handheld one, and does a treatment of about 6 -10 min depending on how much of the mix I put in the cup. Larger nebulizers are designed for longer treatments if I'm not mistaken.
Jan Hoffman wrote:

What concentration of DMSO is best for an inhalation treatment like this? I have the pure 99% and the more dilute 70-30? And can I mix the powder MSM with sterile/distilled water or do I need to hunt down a special liquid form of MSM?


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