Georgia writes:
> >      How do you prevent the blue moon fingers if taking for a chronic
> > condition?

I think that Georgia's questions are timely, since we've just had an 
actual case of argyria in one of our own. What should be reassuring to 
all of us is that Bob made his CS very strong, cooking it for days, in 
fact, making 90ppm or more of silver carbonate, and then proceeded to 
drink large quantities of it for a long time.

His argyria is explainable from what we know already. It will be very 
valuable for us to hear how he progresses with the E and Selenium 

Plenty of folks have used similar quantities of CS, but at NO MORE than 
10 to 20 ppm, and made over the course of a number of hours or less, 
rather than a week. They've not experienced *any* problems. We also 
have evidence, from Roger Altman's study, that the body can and will 
excrete the silver in a reasonable time at reasonable rates of 

So Bob's case lowers the safety threshold we're aware of a bit, but not 
much. His was nowhere as bad as Stan Jones silver mud, but much 
stronger than our consensus brew.

I'd say that the several of our members reporting bluish nail beds are 
among our senior participants and probably have inherited that from the 
early experiments we all did when we didn't know any better how to make 
this stuff and how much to take.

I know I've taken a lot more in the past than I'd ever take now.

Now I shoot for 5 to 15 ppm and use only pure silver and pure water. I 
consider a pint or two a day a reasonable maximum, and plenty effective 
for most things.

> Don't know, but I don't find it a big deal, mine are blue.

Might be a reasonable price to pay for the knowledge we've all gained.


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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