It's recommended to take Vit E with Selenium, work ; Almonds are said to be high in Vit E...      trail mix in the making   ? ;)


At 07:36 PM 28/02/2006, you wrote:
Hi alchemySA,

4 nuts

Take care,

> 1 oz of Brazil nuts provides about 10 times the daily requirement of
> Selenium . So 1 nut a day should suffice. Much cheaper and safer than
> pills. Tuna's a good source too.


> David

>> Subject:
>> CS>Over dose/gray face
>> From:
>> "Medwith, Robert" <>
>> Date:
>> Mon, 27 Feb 2006 06:52:55 -0500
>> To:
>> "'cs'" <>

>> To:
>> "'cs'" <>

>> Thanks to every one for your saugestions.
>> I am going to try Vit E and the Selenium for now.
>> Stupid question what is Selenium and where can I get it.
>>    Bob

>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

>> Subject:
>> Re: CS>Over dose/gray face
>> From:
>> G & K Murray <>
>> Date:
>> Mon, 27 Feb 2006 08:21:55 -0600
>> To:

>> To:

>> Health food store or any drugstore vitamin and mineral section.  It is
>> an essential mineral.

>> Medwith, Robert wrote:

>>> Thanks to every one for your saugestions.
>>> I am going to try Vit E and the Selenium for now.
>>> Stupid question what is Selenium and where can I get it.
>>>    Bob


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