Soloray brand sells a combination vitamin E and
selenium together that you might try. I think for a
case of argyria that I would try the supplements over
the food right now.
I was wondering if anyone could answer this question.
There is a product made by a reputable company that
combines msm and silver protein. It is for topical use
but it says to rub on gums for dental infections. They
recommend using it four times daily. I cant find the
amount of silver protein used but if one was not
ingesting any silver besides this, would it be a
caution to use this short term to see if it reaps
benefits? I know that the general consenus is not to
use the silver protein. I have several friends who
take silver protein under the advice of a health care
practioner and havent had any problems yet.
I cannot tolerate dmso and continute to have to resort
to antibiotics for osteomylities. So far I havent had
any luck with the silver I am using. Thanks for any
advice. I would really like to try this product but am
a bit cautious after seeing these recent threads .

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