I wonder if any of the members could point me towards solution for (possible) Livedo  Reticularis. 

As a regular user of CS I have to assume that the CS as such is not having any impact on this  since I have had this discolourisation of thighs  for as long as I can remember. Wouldn't even be able to say if it looks worse now than before, mostly because I m so used to it. 
The dermatologist seems to think it may be related to a form of lupus or other auto immune condition (test results should be in soon).  From what I have been reading it appears idiopathic (a good one for guinea pig drug testing of course) but I haven't come across anything to improve this with an alternative approach.  The only discomfort I  experience is a tightness of top layer of skin of thighs and a hot burning sensation at times.  Hard to know if that is from possible Dercum's, or from this suspected LR.

Up until now I used that sensation as an indicator that I was dehydrated  and upped my fluid intake.. but perhaps there is more to it.  





Livedo reticularis   http://skin-care.health-cares.net/livedo-reticularis.php

Livedo reticularis is a blue-reddish skin discoloration and most often localized in the lower extremities. The pathological mechanism of this is poorly understood. Probably it is related to the peripheral blood flow redistribution. Livedo reticularis mostly represents an idiopathic condition but may be associated with systemic diseases.

Livedo reticularis is a disorder in which blood vessels are constricted, or narrowed. It results in mottled discoloring on large areas of the legs or arms. Livedo reticularis refers to a condition in which dilation of capillary blood vessels and stagnation of blood within these vessels causes mottled discolouration of the skin. It is described as being reticular (net-like) cyanotic (reddish blue discolouration) cutaneous discolouration surrounding pale central areas.
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